IrishMafia's Blog. Come in, but be careful. You might get shot.

A random blog about whatever's on my mind at the time. I might even post a fanfiction or two. I try to update daily.

Challenge Blog #1 - Ninjago, I'm Addicted

Hello, my fellow assassins! How's it going? o3o

I watched Ninjago again. IT WAS SO EPIC. I forgot how much I love Cole~ <3

I'm so happy! Ninjago is coming back in late 2013 or early 2014! I fangirl'd when I heard that. xP

I have my own Ninjago character, Miyuki. Her 'element' is spirit. It's not exactly an earth element. Her weapon is the bow and arrow, and she's half raccoon because her birth mother left her on some random doorstep. Turned out the people that lived there were cray cray scientists. They put some mutated raccoon DNA in her. xD They ran tests for 4 more years, until she escaped. Then she was found by some really lovely people. They raised her until they both died of diesease. Then, she started living in the trees. Okay, that's ger backstory. :P


The 100 Day Blog Challenge

Dia duit, my fellow assassins èWé

So, I've created something called The 100 Day Blog Challenge. Basically, I'm gunna try to post everyday, for the next 100 days.

I feel guilty for not posting often, so this will give me an exuse to post everyday. This challenge with go through the beggining of the school year, too! So, this will be an interesting experience. ^^; You guys can do it, too! If not already, try to post everyday for 100 days. You'll be so used to posting, you might post without even thinking about it!

Yay! Good luck, my trainees!

Happy Late Independence Day! ;D

Happy late independence day, friends! How was you Fourth of July? I went to a cookout with my friend and her little sister. We ran around in the sprinkler, had some food, caught fireflies, and watched the fireworks ;D It was fun.

OMT Aaron subscribed me! I feel so special~ Thank you Mr. Aaron! *baby face*

Good god, I'm getting into NinjaGo again xD I really like that show... COLE IS MINE >:D

One, two, three, four, uno, dos, tres, cuatro

Ask Aibreann! :D

Hola, bonjour, ciao, hallo, privet, konnichiwa, ni hao, hej, cześć, hallå, hei, salve, komentari pirvelma, dia duit, HELLO!

...That was unnecessary. xD

Anyways, I was thinking about making a mini series called "Ask Aibreann" it totally rolls off the tongue ;D

It's kinda like a Tumblr thing, but my mom won't let me have a Tumblr yet ;_; Basically, you can ask my Minecraft character questions, an she'll answer! :D I'm not sure if it'll be written or drawn...

Basically, Aibreann (ab-rawn) is my Minecraft persona. She's Irish (as usual) and she can tame creepers. I'll show you a picture of her in my next post. ^_^

Anyways, dats it. BUH BYE!



Also, sorry for not updating Boston Guns. I might post that today or tomorrow >_> I just haven't been very inspired. I don't have any excuse, either. I just sit home all day, watching Youtube and drinking Ramune...

So, again, gomen nasai for being lazy and un-active. I'll try to post more often, but I just can't find anything interesting to blog about. And I doubt you guys would want to read about my life. Maybe I'll post some rants, if you guys give me some ideas.


Sweet Dreams

I'm not posting like I should D: Lo siento x(

Last night I had a dream where I kissed Tobuscus. o.o It was short and sweet /)=w=(\

o/////o I hope I have another dream like that tonight, so I'm watching a lot of Tobuscus. As if I don't do that errday (XU

I have some weird dreams. One time I dreamt that I was on a pirate ship and Donkey from Shrek was stalking me xD It was a good time. Almost.

Errbody' Enderwiggle ~~~~~[. .]~~~~~

If at first you don't succeed, fail five more times before succeeding.